Since September of 2010, our class has been preparing to take the journey to India by researching prominent figures for interviews, brainstorming questions for those interviews, reading Ethics for the New Millennium, written by the Dalai Lama, and learning about Indian culture. The trip is now fast approaching, and I have to admit that while I’ve been nervous and doubtful for the past few months, my teacher’s return to the country has rekindled my interest and excitement.

I’m beginning to realize that although the interviews we will be doing in India to learn about culture will be amazing and take a lot of work, simply managing the changes will be equally as rewarding and challenging. Entering into a culture completely foreign to me will require adjustments in dress, diet, transportation, etiquette, behavior, and overall attitude. It will take dedication to remain open-minded throughout the trip, and that both scares and excites me, because while it is tough to make changes, the outcome will inevitably change me for the better. In the time remaining before our departure, I know that I have a lot of preparing to do, which is daunting, but I’m confident that by the time we leave, we’ll be ready to face not only the men and women we are interviewing, but the cultural differences as well, with eagerness and an open mind.
We are very excited you are coming. Kids are preparing their dances. Hope you are too. Travel well and safe and we will see you soon.
p.s – Great shirts!